Apply as an expert

Information on the person

Social Network Profiles

Please include links to your social media profiles here.


Providing a more detailed outline of your expertise, preferably in bullet points, we greatly facilitate our expert selection process. Describing your expertise precisely will ensure that we contact you on the relevant topics.


You are welcome to underline your professional knowledge with details of your previous curriculum vitae, so that we can formulate an assignment on possible topics in a more targeted manner. Therefore, please add all relevant professional, scientific and private experience. Up to 10 entries are possible.
Add further experience


You can underline your professional knowledge by relevant publications. If possible, attach relevant documents below. Up to 10 entries are possible.
Add further publication


Please upload further relevant documents here. Dissertations, further scientific publications or patents would be of relevance. For security reasons, only .PDF and .TXT documents with a maximum total size of 15 MB can be uploaded.
Should you wish to send other file formats or larger files, please note this in the further comments and we will contact you with alternative options.
Choose document (.PDF, .TXT)


    With this data protection policy we inform you about which of your personal data we process, how and why we use it. An evaluation of your submission is only possible with your declaration.
    SPRIND Data protection policy (dated 12 April 2022)

    Declaration about Funding


    Please answer the following question to demonstrate that you are a human.