After four years, the entire SPRIND team, new thinkers and friends came together at the SPRIND premises in Leipzig to catch up on the progress of the now twelve major projects, to get to know each other, to network, to exchange ideas and sometimes, despite working together for a long time, to see each other "for real" for the first time.
In between pitches and exhibitions, there was also a visit from some prominent friends and supporters: Gerhard Cromme, the former head of Thyssen-Krupp and a member of Lufthansa's supervisory board, explained why he is involved in one of the projects. With 14 grandchildren, he wonders what kind of world their children will grow up in. Giving them the best possible opportunities is an obvious field of activity for the 80-year-old business magnate.
It was a pleasant day and we now already have an idea of what the 5th anniversary in October 2024 could look like.